Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why am I here (the Internet version)

The real audience of this blog is me. I try to argue for appropriate ways to behave and to exist. I want to codify ideas before I lose them in the jumble of succeeding thoughts.  It serves the same purpose as a diary, but writing for public display forces me to be thoughtful and (hopefully) cogent. (It also ensures that any future descent into paranoia is noted, and that people will stop me before I sell my worldly goods and wait for aliens on the top of Mt. Washington.)

There are many writers on the Internet who are less self-obsessed and who I find informative and insightful. I find a great deal of photography and other art that I would not know if not for the Internet. Certainly, I appreciate the web comics and cats. However, I find that I am losing my faith in the Internet as a place for reasoned debate.

What is the purpose of comment debates? I have not been convinced by the opposition's arguments in any debate in which I participated, and it seems unlikely that I have convinced anyone else. A good debate progresses to where a handful of issues have been identified. The remaining comments are votes for the points with which you agree. Occasionally, additional anecdotes are brought forth to support a particular view. In a bad debate the name calling starts early, and like toddlers, the two sides engage in parallel play.

One problem with comments is that it is hard to see the structure of the debate. I hope to have some thoughts on this in the future. I believe the problem is fundamental to any debate. You rarely change people's minds with argument alone. The Internet adds the special sauce of anonymity. Rancor and vituperation become easy.

Are there any benefits to Internet comment debate? I don't think so. Showing that people oppose a given position may have value, yet it doesn't translate to face-to-face opposition. Family bonds and social convention work against turning life into an Internet debate, and I avoid people that argumentative in person. Occasionally, I have witnessed arguments between people of different views, and the result is as informative as an Internet comment.

I prefer quiet contemplation. I want to work and to live with people without worrying about their political or religious views. I enjoy people expanding my perspective through new books and movies (However, I have not yet made it through Lone Survivor).

That is my belief, but I suppose it is debatable.

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